Famous People From Kuna Idaho
There are many famous people in Idaho. Among them, it is Tom Cruise who comes to mind. He resides in Idaho with the beautiful daughter of another famous person, Katie Holmes. She is now a great mother and a loving wife. There is also Randy Jackson, the former Ripper who is in prison for life and is famous for his graphic novels. Randy is loved by many people especially those in the music scene.
One other famous man who lives in Kuna Idaho is singer Bruce Springsteen. He is best known for his songs “The Promiser” and” Born To Give Love.” The next one on the list is musician Neil Young. Neil is also well-known for his solo work as well as with the band Rod Stewart.
Another Idaho native and friend of mine are author Louis L’Amour. He is very famous for his romance novels and for the movie “Amadeus.” I first discovered him when I was doing some research on the late author Mario Puzo. L’Amour also has written some movies which include “Lawrence of Arabia” and “Chicks, It’s What You Eat.” There is no doubt that he is one interesting person in the state.
There are also a lot of famous people from Kuna Idaho that are not so famous just because they happened to be there. One of these people is Billie Jean King, who became famous for losing her final title to runner up Michael J. Fox in the tennis event of the year. The run up to the championship came from Al Pacino, who won the preceding seven consecutive national tennis tournaments.
I myself have heard that Bruce Springsteen once lived in Kuna Idaho. I do not know if this is true but it sounds worth looking into. I was going to look for some information myself. Well, there does seem to be some Bruce Springsteen content at one website and it has photos of him and his family at various times as well as some videos of them. He is a real estate investor that I am familiar with and know that he has properties all over the country. One of them is in Idaho.
A quick search on the internet turned up several famous people from Kuna Idaho. Among those that have been mentioned on the internet are former President Bill Clinton, rock musicians Tommy Lee Jones and Neil Young as well as actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Of course you have to wonder how come they never made it to Hollywood. Maybe they just have too many followers.