Famous People From Meridian Idaho

If you are looking for a list of famous people from Meridian Idaho, then look no further. In this article, we will give you an in-depth look at some of the most famous people from the area. We will not discuss the names but instead we will give you some interesting facts and information about their lives. We will give you details about some of their careers. We hope that by the time you have finished reading this, you will have a better understanding about some of the famous people that you know and love from the area.

Famous people from Meridian Idaho

First of all, let us take a look at our genealogy. Jim Henson was born in Meridian Idaho and went on to become a beloved children’s author, puppeteer, designer, and illustrator. He also became a beloved figure in our nation’s history, as he was instrumental in the development of the American industry. Some of his most famous work includes the Frick and Frackles Show, The Electric Company, Sesame Street, and The Blues Clues. Jim was also a musician and singer.

Next on our list is Meridian artist Frank Kern. Frank was an award winning photographer and painter who also enjoyed creating art. Known for his realistic and vibrant style of painting, he was known for bringing a bright perspective to his subjects. His artwork is best known for being pieces of public art. Frank served two terms as governor of Idaho from 1947 – 1960.

Also on our list is Spokane native Patti LaPorta. Patti was a famous singer and actress in the early years of her career. She was also a respected teacher and writer. Her untimely death at age 34 brought an end to one of the most remarkable careers in the history of modern music – and she was a big part of it.

And last but certainly not least is Bill Gates. The Microsoft founder is now a mere billionaire. At the height of his career, Gates was worth an estimated $100 million. Gates continued to grow his fortune throughout his life and into his dotage. Gates still receives annual checks for his contributions to philanthropic causes. What a great guy.

Our list doesn’t include some of the other names mentioned here. If you have Famous People from Meridian Idaho that you would like to add to the list – go ahead and do so online. As you will soon discover, there is a lot of information available on this fascinating area. As a bonus, you will also learn where to locate all these famous people in the form of their Internet biographies.

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